‘I Can Start to See Possibilities’ – RCNI Rape Crisis Statistics 2022

Download Report: ‘I Can Start to See Possibilities’ – RCNI Rape Crisis Statistics 2022

A Safer Space: Counselling Survivors of Sexual Violence Online

Download Report: A Safer Space: Counselling Survivors of Sexual Violence Online

Rape Crisis Network Ireland Rape Crisis Statistics 2021 Report

Download Report: RCNI Rape Crisis Statistics 2021 Report

Breaking the Silence: Terminology Guidelines for Data Collection Sexual Violence Against Children

Download Report: Breaking the Silence: Terminology Guidelines for Data Collection on Sexual Violence Against Children

Rape Crisis Network Ireland Annual Statistics Report 2020

Download Report: RCNI Annual Statistics Report 2020

Storm and Stress: An Exploration of Sexual Harassment Amongst Adolescents 2021

Download Report: Storm and Stress: An Exploration of Sexual Harassment Amongst Adolescents

Together with Survivors: Rape Crisis Adaption and Transformation during Lockdown

The data in this report is a snapshot of Rape Crisis Centre services during the Covid-19 pandemic period of the 1 March to 30 June 2020.

Download Report here.

RCNI Rape Crisis Statistics 2019

Download Report: RCNI Rape Crisis Statistics 2019

Rape and Justice in Ireland

Rape and Justice in Ireland, a groundbreaking book published in 2009 and commissioned by the Rape Crisis Network Ireland, is the result of a four year independent research study into the process of prosecuting rape cases in Ireland.

This book is an important advance in our understanding of the reasons why so many rape cases are lost from the system during their progress from incident to reporting, to final court hearing, resulting in very low conviction rates for rape in Ireland. The book also offers a unique insight into the Irish justice system, as the authors were granted unprecedented access to the files of the Director of Public Prosecutions, the courts and the direct experiences of survivors of rape.

The key findings of this research expose the nature of the factors at play in navigating a rape case through the justice system. It shows how the quality of social and official support for survivors is vitally important in order to progress a case, and that survivors as well as officials tend to think and act in terms of “real rape” scenarios to the disadvantage of the majority of cases that do not fit those criteria. It also explores the factors that influence the DPP’s decision to prosecute and those put forward in successful and unsuccessful court cases.

Rape and Justice in Ireland concludes with recommendations for comprehensive reform of the justice system to lead to more effective prosecution of rape cases, and concrete suggestions to help in the prevention of the crime. This is an important and pioneering book.

Download here: Rape and Justice In Ireland

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