Measuring the silence around sexual violence – Rape Crisis Network Ireland in the Irish Examiner, 3 December
RCNI is grateful to the Irish Examiner for publishing this opinion piece that wraps up the progressive towards evidence-based advocacy on sexual violence in Ireland: Measuring the silence around sexual violence It’s in the silence about sexual violence that perpetrators exert their power, feeding a stigma that delays many survivors from speaking out, or […]
Women against Violence Europe – annual conference in Madrid
RCNI’s Clíona Saidléar is one of Ireland’s representatives at the EU organisations Women against Violence Europe and attended WAVE’s Annual Conference in Madrid in October. RCNI has a long relationship with WAVE and our European sister DSGBV organisations. The conference theme this year was ‘Institutional violence and its impact on women’s human rights across Europe’ The get-together focused […]
Independently monitoring State’s response to sexual violence is a must
Recently we were reminded, yet again, that institutions require independent monitoring if vulnerable people and their interests are to be protected. The review by Dr Geoffrey Shannon SC into St John’s Ambulance published in March found that there had been a ‘significant degree of organisational awareness’ of threats to child safety and a failure to […]
The irrefutable reality is that sexual violence is horrifyingly normal and we need to act
Wednesday’s launch of the Central Statistics Office Sexual Violence Survey is not just yet more data on sexual violence, rather, it is the data that all other data into the future will be measured against. This is prevalence data, undertaken as part of the suite of official statistics of the State. This is the evidence on who […]
RCNI Recruitment: Legal Policy and Support Manager
APPLICATIONS CLOSED Rape Crisis Network Ireland is recruiting for a Legal Policy and Support Manager The RCNI Legal Policy and Support manager role is pivotal in achieving best outcomes for survivors in sexual violence at a time of whole of society and governmental reform and transformation. You will join a dynamic, impactful team, working reflectively […]
Digital opportunities for women starts with safety
This year the UN Women theme for International Women’s Day is focused on the digital world and its opportunities for gender equality. No matter where we are, how privileged or how poor, digital technology has transformed our lives: while there are undoubtedly many benefits to global communication and interconnectedness this technology has also upended previously-held […]