Entries by comms-rcni

Rape Crisis Network Ireland calls for Ireland to end the sharing of counselling notes in the criminal justice process

April 23 2024   For immediate release  Rape Crisis Network Ireland is calling for urgent action in Ireland following the amendments to British law announced today that will raise the legal threshold for when rape survivors’ counselling notes can be requested in investigations.  This now means the British police can only request notes if they deem […]

RCNI Statement on Cuan 2024 implementation plan

April 2nd, 2024  Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) welcomes the publication today of the 2024 Implementation Plan for Zero Tolerance: Third National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence (DSGBV) by statutory DSGBV agency Cuan.   This ambitious plan is part of the Government’s Zero Tolerance, whole-of-government strategy to combat DSGBV in which RCNI […]

Measuring the silence around sexual violence – Rape Crisis Network Ireland in the Irish Examiner, 3 December

RCNI is grateful to the Irish Examiner for publishing this opinion piece that wraps up the progressive towards evidence-based advocacy on sexual violence in Ireland:   Measuring the silence around sexual violence  It’s in the silence about sexual violence that perpetrators exert their power, feeding a stigma that delays many survivors from speaking out, or […]

RCNI Statement on removal of consent from Criminal Law Sexual Offences and Human Trafficking Bill 2023

Statement on the Minister for Justice Helen McEntee’s withdrawal of wording on consent from forthcoming legislation on rape – 30/11/2023, Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI).  RCNI are certainly disappointed in the loss of this provision on testing a defendant’s reasonable belief in consent from this bill. However, in RCNI’s consultation with the Dept and Minister, […]

Women against Violence Europe – annual conference in Madrid

  RCNI’s Clíona Saidléar is one of Ireland’s representatives at the EU organisations Women against Violence Europe and attended WAVE’s Annual Conference in Madrid in October. RCNI has a long relationship with WAVE and our European sister DSGBV organisations. The conference theme this year was ‘Institutional violence and its impact on women’s human rights across Europe’ The get-together focused […]

Central Statistics Office Data on Adults’ Experiences Reveal How Sexual Violence Sustains Systemic Inequality

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today released the second of six reports from its Sexual Violence Survey measuring the prevalence of sexual violence in Ireland. The report on ‘Adult Experiences’ provides further detail on adult sexual violence experiences including those experienced with a partner (current or ex) and non-partner. The report also includes additional […]