Translating ‘Rape Crisis’ across Europe under the Istanbul Convention
The Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, otherwise known as the Istanbul Convention, is an opportunity across Europe and our neighbours to make sure that no matter where a survivor of sexual violence is in Europe they will have support and justice available to them that is appropriate and specialized. Istanbul Convention’s Article […]
‘An overwhelming surge in the demand for our services’
Grace McArdle of Rape Crisis North East writes about how the Covid pandemic changed the ways in which the Centre operated for staff and survivors. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge toll on our organisation and the clients we serve. Trauma whether in the past or more recent cannot be put on hold, even […]
‘I deserve the best life possible’
A survivor of sexual violence speaks about her experience of the support offered by Kerry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre. Kerry RSAC can be contacted at Freephone 1800 633 333 and you can find more information at the centre’s website here. ‘I started my journey four years ago with the Kerry Rape & Sexual Abuse […]
‘Centring the Survivor’: How Waterford RSAC Adapted To Lockdown
Anne Scully, manager of Waterford Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre, describes how Covid restrictions impacted the work of the centre with both counsellors and survivors forced to adapt quickly to challenging circumstances. ‘When the pandemic swept across the world we had to change how we worked very quickly, and that brought huge challenges, for us […]
Parole Act 2019: Changes Relating to Victim’s Views
In terms of victims’ rights there are a number of changes introduced by the Parole Act 2019, which came into force on 30 July 2021. These changes enhance victims’ rights and help ensure that a victim’s views are considered by the Parole Board whenever an application for parole (early release subject to conditions) is made […]
Sex attack survivors are ‘worth’ only 0.4% of a €4bn problem
‘I would say that I am old enough to know that there are very few women my age who have not been subjected to some form of sexual assault in their respective lifetimes. I know this because I am one of them.’ Minister Josepha Madigan during a Dáil debate on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence […]