In Ireland:

In the UK:


Sexual Assault Treatment Units in Ireland:

Cork: South Infirmary / Victoria University Hospital 021 4926297 or 021 4926100 Bleep 789 (Mon-Fri 08.30 -16.30. Out of hours or weekends contact Nursing Admin 021 4926100 )
Donegal: Unit 1 Letterkenny Business Park, Oldtown, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal 087 0681964 or 074 9104436 (08.00 – 20.00 hrs 7 days a week. Out of hours contact 087 0681964)
Dublin: Rotunda Hospital, Dublin 1 01 8171736 (Mon-Fri 08.00 and 16.00. Out of hours contact Rotunda Hospital 018171700 and ask for SATU)
Galway: Located in a dedicated building near Galway racecourse 091 765751 or 087 6338118 (Mon-Fri 08.00- 16.00. Out of hours contact your local Garda station)
Waterford: Waterford Regional Hospital 051 842157 (Service available 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Out of hours contact the nurse on call via the hospital switchboard on 051 848000)
Mullingar: Midland Regional Hospital, Mullingar 044 9394239 or 086 0409952 (Mon-Fri 08.00- 17.30. Out of hours or weekends contact your local Garda Station or call nursing administration via hospital switchboard on 044 93 40221)

Link to HSE page on Sexual Assault Treatment Units

  • Barnardos – Supports children whose well-being is under threat by working with them, their families and communities, and by campaigning for the rights of children
  • CARI – Provides therapy and counselling services to children, families and groups who have been affected by child sexual abuse
  • ISPCC Childline – Telephone, online and mobile texting service
  • Children’s Rights Alliance – a coalition of over 90 NGOs working to secure the rights and needs of children in Ireland
  • ECPAT UK – Every Child Protected Against Trafficking works to end child prostitution, child pornography, and the trafficking of children for sexual purposes
  • – Provides an anonymous facility for the public to report suspected illegal content encountered on the Internet, in a secure and confidential way
  • ISPCC – Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children advocates on behalf of all children in Ireland
  • Stay Safe – Personal safety skills programme for children which aims to reduce vulnerability to child abuse and bullying
  • Stop It Now!– a campaign which aims to prevent child sexual abuse by raising awareness and encouraging early recognition and responses to the problem by abusers themselves and those close to them
  • Alliance Victim Support Group – Helps to support those who, as children, were abused in State-run institutions
  • Connect – The National Adult Counselling Service for any adult who has experienced, abuse, trauma or neglect in childhood
  • Dignity4Patients – to defend and uphold the rights of patients who have experienced trauma, in particular sexual trauma, whilst a patient in any medical or therapeutic setting
  • Justice for Magdalenes– Advocating for justice for residents of Magdalene Laundries
  • MenEngage– An alliance of NGOs that seek to engage men and boys in effective ways to reduce gender inequalities and promote the health and well-being of women, men and children
  • Men’s Development Network – Works with men towards achievIng beneficial change. Better lives for men. better lives for all.
  • One in Four – Support and resources for people who have experienced sexual abuse and/or sexual violence
  • Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) -US network of rape and incest support centres which provides a national helpline
  • The Commission to Enquire into Child Abuse – Established pursuant to the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse Act 2000
  • VAW Net– Online resource for advocates working to end domestic violence, sexual assault, and other violence in the lives of women and their children
  • Victim Liaison Service  – When victims of crime request, the Prison Service Victim Liaison Officer will enter into direct contact with them to inform them of any significant development in the management of the perpetrator’s sentence as well as any impending release. Such significant developments could include temporary releases, parole board hearings, prison transfers, expected release dates, etc. Please note: victims must request this service through application form available on website here.



  • Asylum Aid – Responds to asylum seekers’ immediate legal needs and addresses the underlying causes of the difficulties they encounter in the asylum process
  • European Council on Refugees and Exiles– Pan-European network of 69 refugee assisting NGOs that promotes a humane and generous European asylum policy
  • European Roma Rights Centre– International public interest law organisation engaging in a range of activities aimed at combating anti-Romani racism and human rights abuse of Roma
  • International Organisation for Migration – Inter-governmental organisation which works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration
  • Disability Federation of Ireland – National support organisation and advocate for voluntary disability organisations in Ireland who provide services to people with disabilities and disabling conditions
  • Enable Ireland – Supports people with disabilities and their families throughout Ireland
  • Frontline – A forum for people with learning difficulties and their advocates
  • Irish Wheelchair Association – Committed to improving the lives of people with physical disabilities in Ireland
  • National Disability Authority – The lead state agency on disability issues and universal design, providing independent expert advice to government on policy and practice
  • Hidden Hurt – UK abuse information support site
  • Safe Ireland – National network of women’s refuges and support services for those experiencing domestic violence which links to all domestic violence services in Ireland
  • Scottish Women’s Aid – Working to end domestic abuse
  • Women’s Aid – Provides support and information to women and their children who are being physically, emotionally, financially and sexually abused in their own homes
  • Women’s Aid Federation Northern Ireland – Provides a range of services to women and children who are affected by domestic violence throughout Northern Ireland
  • – An independent website with the aim of helping individuals, families and communities to prevent and/or address problems arising from drug and alcohol use.
  • National Drug Advisory and Treatment Centre – Provides an integrated specialist addiction service
  • Association for Higher Education Access and Disability – Works to promote full access to and participation in further and higher education for students with disabilities and to enhance their employment prospects on graduation
  • Aontas – National Adult Learning Association
  • Citizens Information – National agency responsible for supporting the provision of information, advice and advocacy to the public on social and civil services
  • Age Action – Promotes positive ageing and better policies and services for older people. Working with, and on behalf of, older people we aim to make Ireland the best place in the world in which to grow older
  • National Centre for the Protection of Older People – The Centre focuses on a programme of research examining elder abuse in Ireland which will result in original research outputs and contribute to the development of policy and practice in relation to elder abuse.
  • The Irish Association of Older People – Works to improve the lives of older people
  • Citizens Information – National agency responsible for supporting the provision of information, advice and advocacy to the public on social and civil services
  • Focus Ireland – support and services to the homeless
  • Homeless Agency – Responsible for planning, co-ordination and administration of funding in relation to the provision of quality services to people who are homeless in the Dublin area and for the development of responses to prevent homelessness
  • Simon Communities of Ireland – Delivers a wide range of essential services to people who are homeless throughout Ireland
  • Society of St Vincent de Paul – Tackles poverty in all its forms through the provision of practical assistance to those in need
  • Threshold – the National Housing Charity that provides free and confidential advice and tenancy protection services to people with housing problems.
  • Aware – Helping defeat depression
  • Grow – A guide to mental health
  • Jigsaw – The National Centre for Youth Mental Health
  • Irish Association of Suicidology – A forum for all individuals and voluntary groups involved in any aspect of suicidology for the exchange of knowledge gained from differing perspectives and experiences
  • Mental Health Ireland – Promoting positive mental health
  • National Office for Suicide Prevention – The National Office for Suicide Prevention is not a crisis support service and this website is an information and signposting resource.
  • Pieta House – Provides a free, therapeutic approach to people who are in suicidal distress and those who engage in self-harm.
  • Samaritans – 24 hour confidential, non-judgemental service
  • Shine – Supporting people affected by mental ill health
  • – Promotes general wellbeing and healthy living in order to prevent and positively intervene in harmful behaviour where it occurs amongst young people.
  • Suicide or Survive – Focussed on breaking down the stigma associated with mental health issues and ensuring that those affected have access to quality recovery services that are right for the individual.
  • Teen-Line Ireland – Freephone service
  • Your Mental Health – Improving awareness and understanding of mental health and well-being in Ireland
  • 3Ts – Working to help prevent deaths by Suicide through research, intervention and support.
  • Africa Centre – Promoting active participation in Irish society
  • Akidwa – Akina Dada wa Africa – African Women’s Network
  • NASC – The Irish Immigrant Support Centre
  • SPIRASI – Working with asylum seekers, refugees, and other disadvantaged migrant groups with special concern for survivors of torture
  • Citizens Information – National agency responsible for supporting the provision of information, advice and advocacy to the public on social and civil services
  • One Family – supporting all members of all one parent families
  • Treoir – information to parents who are not married to each other and to those involved with them

In Ireland:

  • Ruhama – an Irish NGO which offers services and outreach to women in prostitution in Dublin
  • Turn Off The Red Light – a campaign to end prostitution and sex trafficking in Ireland run by a new alliance of civil society organisations

Useful international sites:

In Ireland:

In the UK:

  • Respect UK – UK membership association for domestic violence perpetrator programmes and associated support services

In Ireland:

In Northern Ireland and the UK:

Irish Department of Foreign Affairs:


  • Smartraveller – The Australian Government’s travel advisory and consular assistance service
  • Irish Traveller Movement – National network of organisations and individuals working within the Traveller community
  • National Traveller Women’s Forum – Building the capacity of Traveller women to participate in local and national social partnerships with a view to bringing about equal outcomes
  • Active Link – Online network for Irish non-profit organisations
  • Carmichael Centre for Voluntary Groups – Works to nurture and support the development of small voluntary groups, providing an environment which stimulates this development
  • The Charities Regulator – Ireland’s national statutory regulator for charitable organisations
  • Citizens Information Board Resource Database for Voluntary and Community Sectors – Useful information for those working in the voluntary and community sectors
  • Community Work Ireland – National network of individuals and organisations involved in community work and working for social change in Ireland
  • Funding Point – Provides fundraising information and guidance to Irish voluntary and community organisations
  • Free Legal Advice Centres – Promoting access to justice in Ireland through campaigning and some free, basic legal aid services
  • Global Fund for Women – A grantmaking foundation supporting women’s human rights organisations around the world working to address critical issues such as gaining economic independence, increasing girls’ access to education and stopping violence against women
  • Legal Aid Board – Responsible for the provision of legal aid and advice on matters of civil law to persons unable to fund such services from their own resources
  • My – Provides services to charities and fundraisers
  • Network for Good – Provides services to non-profit organisations, donors and volunteers
  • The Wheel – A resource centre and forum for the community and voluntary sector

In Ireland:

  • B4udecide – Information about relationships from the Crisis Pregnancy Agency
  • BeLonG To – Supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Trans young people in Ireland
  • Childline – Phone, online and text service for young people
  • Jigsaw – The National Centre for Youth Mental Health
  • Inspire Ireland – Helps young people live happier lives
  • ISPCC – The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
  • National Youth Council of Ireland – Representative body for national voluntary youth organisations
  • Reach Out Ireland – A web-based service that inspires young people to help themselves through tough times, and find ways to improve their own mental health and well-being
  • SpunOut – Irish youth health, media, info, activism website
  • Teen-Line Ireland – Freephone service for suicide prevention
  • Union of Students in Ireland – The sole representative body from Ireland’s third level students
  • Youth Work Ireland – A co-ordinating and development agency for youth services throughout the country

Useful international sites:

  • Project Respect – a support and referral service for women trafficked for sexual exploitation and women in the sex industry
  • Reach Out – Support and information on young people’s mental health and well-being
  • Know Your Stuff – Everything young people need to know about sexual health and relationships